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    Technical issues

    Research on and Demonstration of Key Technologies for Hinge Joint Defect Treatme

    Data:2015-04-24 17:13:06 Hit: Time

        This project addresses technical problems in the field of bridges—the treatment of hinge joint defects in prefabricated simply-supported hollow slab bridges. It is focused on addressing key prevention, treatment and repair technologies for hinge joint defects in prefabricated, simply-supported, hollow-slab bridges, during both construction and maintenance. With the breakthrough in high-performance hinge joint materials, the research and development scope includes key technologies, new types of high-performance hinge joint materials, and supporting equipment and tools for the treatment of hollow slab bridge hinge joint defects, with proprietary patents at an advanced international level providing theoretical and technical support. Alongside this packaged treatment technologies ensure optimum design of new bridge hinge joint structures and address existing bridge hinge joint defect repair and reinforcement. The project will comprehensively improve the durability and service life of prefabricated simply-supported hollow slab bridges in Northwestern China, improving their safety and making a contribution to sustainable development, technical progress and innovation in the highway traffic construction field in China.

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